slim 1 last thing, you gotta change it from roto leauge to head to head much better to go head to head like real baseball instead of categorically competing that is no fun. im sure everyone got the impression this is like football where it is also head to head.
Robfunk, I much rather have the rotisserie type scoring but if you want, I can change it to the head to head, or if others also think head to head is better...
the head to head is better you can focus on your opponent and beat up on weak teams look forward to the better teams etc etc. roto scoring is like collecting stats for which players you think are good, there is no managing involved hardly at all.
just make it head to head they'll like it better, trust me. gotta have some fun matching up with guys. makes it different every week roto is same thing every day.
It's ok I started up a second league , Prescription Sickos #2.
League ID: 324277
Password: rx
Those in the first league are welcome to join this one as well. I made it a head-to-head league with a 25 man roster, 12 teams, with the same categories.
Yo...I'm indybakeman in the Rx league, any way of drafting at 9 on Sat. or Anytime Sunday?
If not thats cool, I'm ready to Take this league to the House!!