Guy's she sounded like a high school kid who crammed for an exam the night before and spent time trying to remember when it came time to deliver. She sounded rehearsed guys!! How are you people even thinking otherwise??? Gibson clearly exposed her for the amateur she is. She may know about oil drilling in Alaska and being a religious freak about throwing around the word GOD every 5th time. But other than that? SHE SUCKED.
And you know what righty's? I knew you people would try to come with the Bush Doctrine proof excuse. Well, in all honesty SHE FAILED TO ANSWER A HIGH SCHOOL CIVICS QUESTION! Trust me I know because I had to help my 11th grade niece just a few weeks ago memorize terms for her civics test. So spare the excuse that its not common knowledge because high school kids had to know.
You people know that interview was painful to watch at best.