Another kid decided the claw machine wasn't going to take his 50 cents laying down.


Sep 20, 2004
For the second time a boy gets stuck inside a vending machine.

<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=629 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD colSpan=3>Boy stuck in toy vending machine

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<!-- E IIMA -->A little boy caused a stir when he got trapped inside a toy vending machine.

Three-year-old James Manges crawled inside the crane machine when his mother wasn't looking because he wanted to get a stuffed toy.
James, from Indiana in the US, created a diversion and sneaked down a chute and played with the toys.

His mmm thought it was funny at first, but then got a bit panicky when no-one could find the key to get him out. He was eventually freed by firemen.

<!-- S ILIN -->Click here to talk about the news
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Danielle had taken James to a supermarket at 3.30am when he couldn't sleep.
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</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><!-- E IIMA -->He pestered her for a cuddly toy from the machine and when she said no, he threw his drink on the floor to distract her, and then sneaked into the machine itself.


"Within two seconds he had climbed through the hole, into the chute and pushed the door shut so we couldn't get him out," she said.
She initially thought it was quite funny as James was quite happy and playing. She even got a disposable camera and took photos of him in there.

'Trouble' But when it became clear staff couldn't find the key to get him out, she was worried. But firemen eventually freed him by forcing the machine open. "He was in a bit of trouble afterwards," Danielle said. "He definitely didn't get a toy."<!-- E BO -->

For G-Baby
Oct 22, 2004
Parents need to spank the fuck outta this kid ASAP. That's all I gotta say. I didn't even read the article, I just saw the pictures.

New member
Jun 8, 2005
SkinsRaj28 said:
Parents need to spank the fuck outta this kid ASAP. That's all I gotta say. I didn't even read the article, I just saw the pictures.

Yeah a three year old trying to play with toys, really needs a spanking.

I can't sing ain't pretty and my legs are thin
Dec 5, 2004
Why didn't they just pick him up with the claw & drop him in the might have taken a few bucks but woulda saved the machine. People just don't think.

Sep 20, 2004
johnskelington said:
Why didn't they just pick him up with the claw & drop him in the might have taken a few bucks but woulda saved the machine. People just don't think.


For G-Baby
Oct 22, 2004
koidog said:
Yeah a three year old trying to play with toys, really needs a spanking.

Goddamned right. Little bastard. I'd wail on that punk bitch.

Sep 21, 2004

Hey that looks like a real child in there.... :drink:

Rx Post Doc
Feb 8, 2005
If you guys have ever played those FREAKING machines then you would know that the pictured child is just smart. If I could crawl into one of those machines and then act like a retarded 37 old until they cut me out I WOULD. THOSE MACHINES ARE THE DEVIL'S OWN TYPE OF GAMBLING! THEY SUCK. I spent about $25 one day trying to get something worthwhile out of one of those and got....NOTHING. NOTHING.

There is a great, GREAT SpongeBob Squarepants episode about the machines. I hate them.

My son (four) watched me spend $25, fifty cents at a time trying to get him something cool from a truckstop set-up. I even gave him five or six tries to show him how hard it was.

THEN, a few weeks later I gave him fifty cents to spend for some gumballs for his younger sister and him at an El Chico's mexican restaurant. Before I could stop him he put the 50 cents into the one damn machine that was a 'claw' type stuffed animal machine. I said.."Those are bad. Don't do that anymore!" I gave him 50 cents to buy some mild toys or gumballs for him and his sister. He insisted on doing the claw again. I told him, "You can play that for the last 50 cents I'm giving you but if you don't get anything, I'm going to spank you. It's up to you." He tried again...hell he's four and he's a gambler like me....he lost.

I put a quarter into a gumball machine and got his sister a super ball (something has to fall out of those.) I took him home and spanked him for that. He has never wanted to play one of those rip-off machines again. Time-out just wasn't good enough for that. tulsa


RX Ninja
Dec 25, 2004
Journeyman said:
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</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top width=416><!-- S BO --><!-- S IIMA -->
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=203 align=center border=0><TBODY><TR><TD>

<!-- E ILIN -->
Danielle had taken James to a supermarket at 3.30am when he couldn't sleep.​
<!-- S IIMA -->
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=203 align=right border=0><TBODY><TR><TD>

<!-- E IIMA -->He pestered her for a cuddly toy from the machine and when she said no, he threw his drink on the floor to distract her, and then sneaked into the machine itself.​

"Within two seconds he had climbed through the hole, into the chute and pushed the door shut so we couldn't get him out," she said.
She initially thought it was quite funny as James was quite happy and playing. She even got a disposable camera and took photos of him in there.


something doesn't sound quite right about this. WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU TAKE A 3YO TO THE STORE AT 3 AM?? He is going to get sleepy in the brightly lit grocery store?

This mother sounds pretty ignorant if you ask me, what the hell is she going to do at the store with the kid? And when he gets in the machine 'in 2 seconds' she gets a camera out to take pictures. BULLSHIT. She took him there to play and thought it would be cute. She did it at 3 AM so no one would stop her.

When you see her trying to sell these pics or when the video shows up on Funniest home videos, she'll be busted


RX Ninja
Dec 25, 2004
Tulsa said:
THOSE MACHINES ARE THE DEVIL'S OWN TYPE OF GAMBLING! THEY SUCK. I spent about $25 one day trying to get something worthwhile out of one of those and got....NOTHING. NOTHING.

Tulsa I hope I run into you one day with your kids in tow. For some reason, I am a freaking master at most of these claw machines. The only ones I don't play are those super sized ones where you try to get something heavy like a basketball or some oversized animal. If the claw swings too much or the tines don't close enough you have no shot.

On the normal 25 or 50 cent ones though I am sick. I used to have bags of stuff I cleaned out of local mall game rooms and stores. There was a mall near me that had pretty decent sunglasses in clear plastic tubes. I got about 50 pairs of them one summer and gave them to everyone I knew. My favorites are the ones full of sports items like the mini footballs or mini team mascots. When my son was born I had a couple bags of stuffed animals and other stuff already waiting for him. I have actually slowed down because he has so much stuff. But when he sees one and points at something, sometimes I am determined to get it out. Not all machines can be looted though. I can tell just be looking, and if I tell him "its not loose enough" he doesn't complain. (when he is older I will use that line to teach him about the birds and the bees) But now he knows what to look for a little bit too. The key is to get one that is not freshly filled, or is just thrown in there. If the stuff is packed in, you will waste too much money.

The game rooms in Vegas casinos usually have pretty decent stuff. Caesar's had the best IMO

Rx Post Doc
Feb 8, 2005
t3a, that's just what I need after the lessons I've imparted! My son and I both will be hooked again....LOL! However, I'll just tell him you're a pro and that we shouldn't try it without you. He's a smart kid and I think he'll understand. We'll be looking for you! I'll pay for your plays!

My favorite quote in all of this: ...and if I tell him "its not loose enough" he doesn't complain.

Man...isn't having a kid great! I love it. He thinks you are a super genius...and you know, in many ways you are!! He will always remember stuff like what you just posted and he'll be telling his children one day, " see that machine there? My Dad used to wear those out and he could tell if they would pay out just by looking at them!"

You are a good man and a great Dad! tulsa

New member
Mar 14, 2006
Maybe the parent needed to be spanked. I would be watching my child well enough that what happened would have been impossible. Another case of the child supervising the parent!!!!!

Sep 20, 2004
t3a said:
something doesn't sound quite right about this. WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU TAKE A 3YO TO THE STORE AT 3 AM?? He is going to get sleepy in the brightly lit grocery store?

This mother sounds pretty ignorant if you ask me, what the hell is she going to do at the store with the kid? And when he gets in the machine 'in 2 seconds' she gets a camera out to take pictures. BULLSHIT. She took him there to play and thought it would be cute. She did it at 3 AM so no one would stop her.

When you see her trying to sell these pics or when the video shows up on Funniest home videos, she'll be busted

I thought that too...this was actually the 2nd instance, the other happened this past week and the boy was on Inside Edition yesterday.

Any real parent would not let this happen, I'm sorry it takes more han ''2 seconds" as she claimed.


Jan 15, 2005
If anyone needs a spanking it's the mom. And if she is hot, I'll volunteer.


New member
Jan 20, 2000
I once won a 2 1/2 pound live maine lobster from a claw machine in South Carolina. It was 2 bux a try and only took me one try. The bartender heated it up in a pot of water and I ate it right then and there. I never win stuffed animals though.

I can't sing ain't pretty and my legs are thin
Dec 5, 2004
WVU said:
I once won a 2 1/2 pound live maine lobster from a claw machine in South Carolina. It was 2 bux a try and only took me one try. The bartender heated it up in a pot of water and I ate it right then and there. I never win stuffed animals though.

Dude that's a great story..."fuck a stuffed animal I got me a lobster!"

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