Where to start. I suppose firstly that the completion of your taxes will be painstakingly slow. The man himself can be unbearably condescending if you even dare approach the subject of him even remotely speeding up the process. Told me something along the lines "if you want fast food then go to a fast food place but i am filet mignon so you will need to wait"....i wanted to laugh right in his face but also wanted my taxes done as i already had invested so much time in him. Taxes eventually got done but wasn't worth dealing with this man nor the cost. I also ended my friendship with my friend who referred me.(kidding)
This one from a Robert Prescott
A fraudulent, fictitious review from some open minded liberal on this forum. Another review from a client that doesn't exist
This is how they roll, this is the Woke crowd, this is the BLM crowd, these are your typical democrats, these people are obviously the scum of the earth
And I love it, I wear their hate like a badge of honor, in many ways I'm exposing their true character much like Trump has exposed them for the scum that they are
Know this, I'm a better man than you. I'm a better man than you can ever dream about being. even you know the truth. I'm laughing at your juvenile behavior
This one from a Robert Prescott
A fraudulent, fictitious review from some open minded liberal on this forum. Another review from a client that doesn't exist
This is how they roll, this is the Woke crowd, this is the BLM crowd, these are your typical democrats, these people are obviously the scum of the earth
And I love it, I wear their hate like a badge of honor, in many ways I'm exposing their true character much like Trump has exposed them for the scum that they are
Know this, I'm a better man than you. I'm a better man than you can ever dream about being. even you know the truth. I'm laughing at your juvenile behavior

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