SORRY but this one's going down.
i blame it on the the pompousness of the O.P.
Hubris bro, hubris. look it up. I am sure there is a similar word in your native language.
You act like your shit don't smell.
I am guessing it does.
Good luck, AM. Arturius Marchevious from some Eastern block country.
This sucker is making 2 stops at the cashout window and at the bank window. Thanks Andy best money spent!!!!!!!!!Not bashing him either. But he is a tout and knows exatly what he doing posting 1 min before the game. Nothing wrong to attract new suckers, I mean clients doing that. Just needs to be in site forum
Care to translate this for those of us who don't speak Ubonics?
What does "DM" mean?
30,000 posts? Somebody needs to get out more.....
i see you live in Chicago. Has the Donald got you scared to leave your house?
"multiple screen names"???Seems like you are mad at the world. Sorry you couldn't get it in the WINNER (sounds like you have a little salty wound there).
How would you know Ubonics, when you don't even know how to spell Ebonics? LOL!!! Why would you think "DM" relates to Ebonics?
I live in Chitown, and i'm proud of it son. Come visit my beautiful city sometime. Sounds like you need to get out a bit more, MUSH!!! Keep up the hatred, it goes a long way in life. Trolling w/ multiple screen names.........hahahaha.