And to whoever is Editing my Threads


Retired; APRIL 2014 Thank You Gambling
Sep 20, 2004
I would appreciate you to email me,,
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Retired; APRIL 2014 Thank You Gambling
Sep 20, 2004
I know Journey,,,, thanks for responding,,, someone is editing my titles and I dont appreciate it,,, kindof nutless if you asked me,,,,

if anyone has a problem with me I expect to be spoken to about it like Adults,, not just steamrolled,,,, very juvenile,,,,

I asked for the one responsible to contact me via email then we can discuss it privately,,, if the answer is no,,,, thats cool we can AIR it out here too,,,

I think its a CLASSLESS move since I have ALWAYS followed the rules and treated everyone here with respect,,

thanks again Journey for your time
tater (and to the guy with no respect for me:finger: )

Pop-culture, entertainment, sports and contest Mod
Dec 20, 2002
Tater i edited the title to reflect your "theoretical" and "accurate" record, so that new comers here understand what you are doing...

You were titling it as if this "system" was 61-9, when it wasnt....

No reason to show it that way, when it is successful anyhow....

Nothing was done from "no repsect" or "hidden"...

To be honest i thougth when i edited a title it showed just like a thread, so was not even aware you didnt know it was me.....
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Pop-culture, entertainment, sports and contest Mod
Dec 20, 2002

I emailed to the address you posted, and it came back "fatal errors" mailbox full, or something like that....I CC to J-man so you would know i did send it..

New member
Jan 30, 2005
bucsfan67 said:
You were titling it as if this "system" was 61-9, when it wasnt....

I disagree. You are confusing overall win/loss with system win/loss. His system is based on a two play series where the result of the first play doesn't effect the overall system record unless he wins. The only loss that results in a overall unit loss is the second play.

As far as I am concerned his system record is 61-9.


Pop-culture, entertainment, sports and contest Mod
Dec 20, 2002
Guys this wasnt meant to be a big deal, i wa responding to poster inquiries about why he was allowed to post "false" titles...

Its no big deal to me, I will change it back, and everyone have at it...

Sep 20, 2004
Personally I don't see the difference...

He will get the same attention, the readers know who is doing what....he could just post in his title how many units he's different...
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Breaking Bad Snob
Dec 5, 2004
It's not a false title for those who understand his system. For those that don't, that's their problem. Thread titles shouldn't have to cater to the lowest common denominator.
Sep 20, 2004
Why would you edit his title, the man has always been on the up and up and always done his best to explain his system when he did'nt have to, sorry moderators I have to agree with Tater that this was done in very poor taste, and I hope it can be worked out because Tater is an asset to this forum.

Pop-culture, entertainment, sports and contest Mod
Dec 20, 2002
Death Eats a Cracker said:
It's not a false title for those who understand his system. For those that don't, that's their problem. Thread titles shouldn't have to cater to the lowest common denominator.

As i already said, i have changed it back....I will let you guys deal with it, its no big deal to me...

New member
Sep 20, 1999
bucsfan67 said:
Guys this wasnt meant to be a big deal, i wa responding to poster inquiries about why he was allowed to post "false" titles...

Its no big deal to me, I will change it back, and everyone have at it...

I have to agree with the MODS on this one, and this is why.

First off I repsect TATER as a very good handicapper, but the bottom line is if you are good and wagering money on your picks, hen let your wallet be your EGO, telling my hypotethetically, when the sun shines, when the fade is not a fade, when the cow jumos over the moon WHATEVER, a record is a record, and I repsect BUCSFAN for taking the entertainment out of taters thread, and making it realistic to the gamblers of money. Hey why not post your MONEY bet TATER with this system, and show your actuall bets. I know you know how to handicap basketball, but the problem becomes when someone who is good at handicapping is not satisfied enough with a good winning percentage or the money they make, and then they have to become a sudo tout with all these symantic phrases.

It shows me and others that maybe money is not being wagered here at all, just an internet ego thing. Now before you get upset TATER, I have stayed out of your threads all year, I have a hard time understanding what your picks are, but hey that is my problem. ARE YOU NOT HAPPY ENOUGH AT WINNING MONEY, or do you need more. Why not take your SYSTEM picks and put them in the Journeyman POD thread like others. I see ZAPSTER in there every day. I mean we all here to make money GAMBLING, and you have made a lot of people money, SO BE HAPPY WITH THAT, but no need to tout a hypothetical system, and lead people to think that it is that easy.

Theoretically I am a 28 years old, fit and have my three lovely girfriends, and drinks on me

actually I am 20 pounds over weight, 38, married, a son, and jack russel terrier. I do live in the theoretical world sometimes, though hahahaha

ALSO why have you not made about 200k on this system this year, and be happy with that.

I am into keeping a strong forum and I support that BUCSFAN sees some impropriety. Sorry I have to call as I see it.

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New member
Sep 20, 1999
Death Eats a Cracker said:
It's not a false title for those who understand his system. For those that don't, that's their problem. Thread titles shouldn't have to cater to the lowest common denominator.

For those that understand it, YOU NEED no title, that would make you pretty low on the common denominator if you need a sign on the door you open every day, then you are having troubles. Right???? I think so!!! Is he recruiting ??

I need no sign for the doors I open every day

Breaking Bad Snob
Dec 5, 2004
Yeah, you're right. Let's just dumb it down so that even retarded 3rd graders can understand it.

God forbid someone actually has to READ and DO SOME RESEARCH.
Sep 20, 2004
He is not posting false titles, those who follow and have taken the time to understand Taters system understand the title, it is up to the new commers to ask questions and educate themselfs, Tater has never mis-led anyone and I believe the right thing to do would have been to tell new commer to read each and every thread of Tater and then ask questions, I sincerely beilieve editing his thread was wrong in a big way.

Pop-culture, entertainment, sports and contest Mod
Dec 20, 2002
Guys, this thread is going to the rubber room, there is no reason to be arguing over it when i changed it back...

But to a couple of people in this thread who i know for a fact, have notified us when they dont like threads, and posts, please remember, this titling is strictly there to draw attention, and does not reflect the actual record of plays a person would make following the system...

so in the future, should a person come in with a title NEW SYSTEM, NEVER LOSES, YOU CAN NOT LOSE ON THIS SYSTEM, GUARANTEED TO MAKE MONEY......and they they post, simply take the first favorite on the board each day, and lay the points...if it loses, then double up on the first favorite the next day, until you hit a winner,they you will be ahead, guaranteed winner.....there would be nothing false in that post, it is a guaranteed winning system....but to lead the player to believe there are never any losses is misleading....that is all that was being pointed out in tater's title....its not that he is lying, or his system doesnt work, cuz it seems it does, its simply that the wagers are not 61-9..........

So like i said, i changed it back, and it will be left alone, but dont cry wolf, when others start following along, and dont expect that we will do anything to them, that we didnt do to cant cherrypick who you hold to higher standards here......whats fair for one, is fair for all...

And i will re-iterate one last time, the editing was NOT A KNOCK ON TATER OR HIS SYSTEM, i have never had a problem with Tater, and respect his handicapping ablility....I was doing my job, that is all.....

New member
Sep 20, 1999
And I am not knowing TATER or his system either, and I never complained.

I just think that when professional gambers work hard at actually wagering real money, it is hard to stomach a theoretical analysis that is really not equivalent to the WALLET$$$$. So I think his intentons are to get attention, versus MAKING MONEY. I mean would he still be going to work every day, if he actually made 1000 bucks on his theoretical record. I think I will call up 5 dimes and ask them to give me the theoretical payout on my plays from now on.

enough said. I guess I am passionate about this subject, because I JUST WANT THE PLAYS........I know he is not going to win every day or all the time

Retired; APRIL 2014 Thank You Gambling
Sep 20, 2004
thnak you for your time,,,, I have cleared out that account bucs fan,,,there should be NO probelems emailing me,,, I dont have time to answer tonight,,I will in the AM,,,

thank you for everyones words,,,

good luck to all

New member
Jan 30, 2005
And I am not knowing TATER or his system either, and I never complained.

I just think that when professional gambers work hard at actually wagering real money, it is hard to stomach a theoretical analysis that is really not equivalent to the WALLET$$$$. So I think his intentons are to get attention, versus MAKING MONEY. I mean would he still be going to work every day, if he actually made 1000 bucks on his theoretical record. I think I will call up 5 dimes and ask them to give me the theoretical payout on my plays from now on.

enough said. I guess I am passionate about this subject, because I JUST WANT THE PLAYS........I know he is not going to win every day or all the time

This just goes to show that if you design something idiot proof the world will throw a bigger idiot back at you.

Newport do you understand that you would make more following Taters system than making static bets using his picks?

Referring to the system record as theoretical is misleading as there are some of us that are betting with his system. This makes the system results "actual" and the overall win/loss the "theoretical" as no loss is realized until after the second loss as far as I am concerned.

This may be easier to understand if you were familiar with the concept of realized vs. unrealized gains and losses and apply it to Taters system to the extent that no loss is realized until a series has two losing plays.

If none of this makes sense to you I give up.

Thanks for everything Tater 61-9 is a damn gppd record and you should be proud posting that in the titles of your threads.

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