ALL MODS: What does it take to get banned?



New member
Feb 21, 2002
What is the criteria?

Can't wait to hear this

Another Day, Another Dollar
Mar 1, 2002

How are the fades going? Making the dough? Living large?


SportsOptions/Line up with the pros
Jul 20, 2000
All we ask is to respect other posters and their right to post here. That's it. If you want to insult others do it down here in the Rubber Room, not anywhere else. I would guess most people who get banned want to be banned so they can scream and holler later about how unfair it all was. LOL.

If someone really *wants* to get banned then I will reluctantly do it if they ask me to. Not my choice but seems silly not to do as they ask and then allow them to make 200 other posters miserable. Just send me a note and say every post I ever make I will piss all over the forums and every poster in it if you don't ban me. Rather than wait I will do as you ask.

Is this what you are asking?


New member
Feb 21, 2002
General: They are going ok.. Only making around 592 units per day.. I don't post all of my plays here, you must get on my email list or call my syndicate hotline

C'mon general, give me the criteria

Honest question

[This message was edited by J2 on October 14, 2003 at 12:57 AM.]


New member
Feb 21, 2002
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Patrick McIrish:
All we ask is to respect other posters and their right to post here. That's it. If you want to insult others do it down here in the Rubber Room, not anywhere else.

If someone *wants* to get banned then I will reluctantly do it if they ask me to. Just send me a note and say every post I ever make I will piss all over the forums and every poster in it if you don't ban me. Rather than wait I will do as you ask.

Is this what you are asking?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I'm not asking to get banned, I'm looking for what criteria you look for and act upon.. While I stay out of the Raiders and Outhouse's crew threads, what separates the others from not getting banned as well? I have no problem with MFG, shack and Glife, but what is different with them trashing raiders everywhere? If I remember correctly I saw it in the main forums

Another Day, Another Dollar
Mar 1, 2002

Common sense is the best answer I can give you. The book of common sense.

SportsOptions/Line up with the pros
Jul 20, 2000
J2 - the problem is we deal with stuff everyday that most posters don't see. It's easy to say from the outside "didn't look like he was so bad" unless your the one who deals with it 24/7. Do you really think we'd ban anyone if we didn't think it was necessary? Raiders understood he was leaving, my only criticism from most is what took me so long. In this whole war thing I'd say Raiders and Kodiak were behind 80% of it. When I asked MFG, Shack and the others to leave it down here they did. The other two guys didn't. Kodiak has been banned twice, most said I was too hard on him and not hard enough on Raiders, LOL. Maybe so. Either way now they are even. To Kodiaks credit he is making a solid effort to move past this old stuff, don't think Raiders will. I like the guy but he enjoys another site more than this one now and makes no bones about it. That's fine and dandy he has his own forum (or whatever) but do we sit back and let him pester our posters to leave the site without saying anything to him? If you post here you have to respect the site. I wouldn't ask anyone to run to Peeps or MajorWager and try to get them to post here. It's not right man and we won't allow it.

Believe me every decision we wrestle with before we do it. If anyone was ready to be banned now Raiders certainly did. He was ready to move on. Besides this I don't know if you saw it but we have either moved, edited, or deleted over 200 posts from Raiders in the last 6 months. I have written, called and begged for him to move past it, never happened. The kicker is he told me it was okay to ban him, LOL! I guess he knew he had earned it. Anyway I know we will hear from another 10 guys about how "the RR is going downhill" and "everyone is leaving" but if you don't respect other people here you won't last. Trust me, Raider is not the last one to go. Like Peep usd to say, he'd ban them 30 at a time when he had to. LOL. Thanks for the question.


New member
Feb 21, 2002
McIrish: Haven't had enough time to read through the saga that is the rx and find a final conclusion on all of these situations, but i do appreciate the reply

New member
Sep 20, 2004
I know this may sound two faced of me but if Raiders kept it in the RR, he should not be banned. I don't know the whole story but this is the RR and this is the place to flame.

SportsOptions/Line up with the pros
Jul 20, 2000
J2 - thanks for the reply. When someone speak for themselves and agrees/disagrees that is great. I'll listen to that all day long and try to reason with them. I doubt everyone will always agree but there is always more to the story than most see. We do make mistakes though and I want to hear what folks say who can think for themselves. Having said that Raiders move is a no-brainer, it really is. Most felt because I liked him I waited too long to do it, there may be some truth in that.

Gambling - Raiders can say what he wants within reason down here, I agree. It had way more to do than just that. We have invested tons of hours on this whole situation, time to try something new. Honestly I think he has found a new home and was ready to go. Anyway we're just talking 30 days here guys, if he wants to rejoin then he may come back then and let us know. BTW I don't think your being two faced at all, if folks can leave it here they would never have a problem. Thanks.


New member
Sep 21, 2004
"what does it take to get banned....???"

most would agree, having an affiliaton with Peep or his site is just cause for banishment here.

SportsOptions/Line up with the pros
Jul 20, 2000
Good post ATX, that's what it is. He must have broken in the boardroom.

New member
Jul 20, 2002
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Patrick McIrish:
J2 - the problem is we deal with stuff everyday that most posters don't see. It's easy to say from the outside "didn't look like he was so bad" unless your the one who deals with it 24/7. Do you really think we'd ban anyone if we didn't think it was necessary? Raiders understood he was leaving, my only criticism from most is what took me so long. In this whole war thing I'd say Raiders and Kodiak were behind 80% of it. When I asked MFG, Shack and the others to leave it down here they did. The other two guys didn't. Kodiak has been banned twice, most said I was too hard on him and not hard enough on Raiders, LOL. Maybe so. Either way now they are even. To Kodiaks credit he is making a solid effort to move past this old stuff, don't think Raiders will. I like the guy but he enjoys another site more than this one now and makes no bones about it. That's fine and dandy he has his own forum (or whatever) but do we sit back and let him pester our posters to leave the site without saying anything to him? If you post here you have to respect the site. I wouldn't ask anyone to run to Peeps or MajorWager and try to get them to post here. It's not right man and we won't allow it.

Believe me every decision we wrestle with before we do it. If anyone was ready to be banned now Raiders certainly did. He was ready to move on. Besides this I don't know if you saw it but we have either moved, edited, or deleted over 200 posts from Raiders in the last 6 months. I have written, called and begged for him to move past it, never happened. The kicker is he told me it was okay to ban him, LOL! I guess he knew he had earned it. Anyway I know we will hear from another 10 guys about how "the RR is going downhill" and "everyone is leaving" but if you don't respect other people here you won't last. Trust me, Raider is not the last one to go. Like Peep usd to say, he'd ban them 30 at a time when he had to. LOL. Thanks for the question.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

This is the best news I have heard this month. Thank you Prescription.

Hey Raiders you fvcking retard piece of shit that started 90% of all the feuds at the RX in the last year
you little pussy bitch.
Sep 20, 2004
MFG go play with your little leather-clad monkey pet "Clyde" you gay monkey lover!

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