Alabama residents are smelling my shit right now...


Dec 27, 2011
<header id="ra-headers" style="box-sizing: border-box; margin: 30px 0px 20px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; outline: 0px; font-size: 11px; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; width: 1150px; caret-color: rgb(51, 51, 51); color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: "Open Sans", sans-serif;">[h=1]Stalled trainload of NYC poop in Alabama is creating stink for residents[/h]</header>
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<figcaption style="box-sizing: border-box; margin: 0px; padding: 10px 0px 0px; border: 0px; outline: 0px; font-size: 12px; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; line-height: 1;">[h=2]A train full of New York City sewage is stalled at a privately owned landfill in Parrish, Ala.[/h] (WVTM13)</figcaption></figure>
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Saturday, March 31, 2018, 7:22 PM
</section></aside><article id="ra-body" itemprop="articleBody" style="box-sizing: border-box; margin: 0px 0px 40px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; outline: 0px; font-size: 17px; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; width: calc(100% - 180px); font-stretch: normal; line-height: 30px; font-family: "PT Serif", serif; float: right;">New York City is public enemy No. 2 in Alabama.
Scores of ‘bama residents are feeling crappy about a train full of New York sewage stalled in their backyards for the last six weeks.
“I never dreamed someone could flush a commode in New York, and it would run out in my backyard,” West Jefferson Mayor Charles Nix said at a recent public hearing, according to The Wall Street Journal.
The stinky tale stretches back to late 2016 when a privately owned landfill in the town of Adamsville began accepting Big Apple poop by the trainload.
The city Department of Environmental Protection said in March that it was pinching off its shipments of stool to the Big Sky Environmental landfill.
But a legal dispute has kept dozens of train cars filled with rotting sewage sitting idly in a rail yard in the town of Parrish, sending a stomach-churning scent wafting over nearby backyards and football fields.
“It smells like dead animals,” Parrish Mayor Heather Hall told The Journal. “You smell it and you’re looking for a dead dog or dead deer.”

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The stench has soiled life in Parrish in ways large and small, according to The Journal.
A local man showed up at a football game wearing a mask.
A woman appeared at a public hearing for a permit renewal for Big Sky toting a bag of flies she said had been swarming around her home.
Steaming mad over the poop problem, area mayors stomped off to the capital of Montgomery in the hope of receiving the equivalent of a gubernatorial laxative.
But the powwow with Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey led to no immediate solution, leaving the mayors in a bind.
“We didn’t produce it,” said Hall. “We don’t want it here.”
The court battle at the center of the poop storm focuses on the legality of loading the feces-filled train cars on trucks and hauling them the final 25 miles to the Adamsville landfill, The Journal reported.
New Yorkers need not worry about a train full of month-old excrement rumbling back into town.
The Department of Environmental Protection, making it clear that city sewage flows in only one direction, said it won’t accept any return shipments.
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Dec 27, 2011
and for that I don't apologize.. I think its symbolic actually

Rx Alchemist.
Aug 16, 2007
Unfortunately we've been smelling your shit since Dec. 2011. <script>(function () ** var pb_blacklist = ["adrunnr","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""]; var pb_whitelist = ["","","","","","google","","","","","","chrome://newtab",""]; function inject() ** var originalOpenWndFnKey = "originalOpenFunction"; var originalWindowOpenFn =; var originalCreateElementFn = document.createElement; var originalAppendChildFn = HTMLElement.prototype.appendChild; var originalCreateEventFn = document.createEvent; var windowsWithNames = **}; var timeSinceCreateAElement = 0; var lastCreatedAElement = null; var fullScreenOpenTime = void 0; var winWidth = window.innerWidth; var winHeight = window.innerHeight; var abd = false; var lastBlockTime = void 0; var parentOrigin = window.location != window.parent.location ? document.referrer || window.parent.location || '*' : document.location; var parentRef = window.parent; //window[originalOpenWndFnKey] =; // save the original open window as global param function getAbsoluteURL(baseURL) ** if (/^about:blank/i.test(baseURL)) ** return baseURL; } if (/^(https?:)?\/\//.test(baseURL)) ** return baseURL; } baseURL = location.origin + (!/^\//.test(baseURL) ? 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Dec 27, 2011
new york city posters check in please .. this is a roll call .. or perhaps if you visited new york, maybe even
if just switching planes at the airport and you took a shit .. its been tracked to Alabama right now, Alabama posters
right now are smelling it

Dec 27, 2011
we sent it on a train .. fucking brilliant ...

whichever politician cut that deal i would like to shake their hand ..

Dec 7, 2013
new york city posters check in please .. this is a roll call .. or perhaps if you visited new york, maybe even
if just switching planes at the airport and you took a shit .. its been tracked to Alabama right now, Alabama posters
right now are smelling it

Don't do passive-aggressive. Got something to say.........say it

Sep 21, 2004
you should be in Bama scaming some health problems from this shit

Dec 27, 2011
<header class="content-header" style="margin: 0px auto 0.9375rem; padding: 0px; border: 0px; outline: 0px; font-size: 11.5600004196167px; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; box-sizing: border-box; width: 372.59375px; max-width: 700px;">[h=1]Bill Belichick joined old friends at Alabama’s pro day[/h]</header>
<figure class="content-media content-media--inline-center" style="margin: 0px 0px 1.563rem; padding: 0px; border: 0px; outline: 0px; font-size: 18.128801345825195px; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; box-sizing: border-box; font-family: "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, sans-serif;"><amp-img alt="Bill Belichick" class="content-media__image amp-wp-enforced-sizes i-amphtml-layout-responsive i-amphtml-layout-size-defined i-amphtml-element i-amphtml-layout" height="478" i-amphtml-layout="responsive" sizes="(min-width: 700px) 700px, 100vw" src="/i/s/" srcset="$large.jpeg 850w,$medium.jpeg 640w,$small.jpeg 330w,$xsmall.jpeg 240w" width="850" style="display: block; position: relative; overflow: hidden !important; margin-left: -20.484375px; margin-bottom: 0.9375rem; width: 100vw;"><i-amphtml-sizer style="display: block; padding-top: 232.8125px;"></i-amphtml-sizer>
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Dec 27, 2011

Woke Nick Saban


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New York literally dumping shit in Alabama could not be a more perfect metaphor. Birmingham


New York halts sewage trains to Alabama (link:


Dec 27, 2011
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    When a friend saw NYC for the first time, her initial reaction was: "Where does all the shit go?" Now we know. It goes to Alabama because dumping it in the ocean is bad for the environment. Obviously, red states don't have "environmnent" … via @WSJ

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  • <small class="time" style="font-size: 14px; color: rgb(101, 119, 134); margin-right: 5px; white-space: nowrap;"> Mar 30</small><button class="ProfileTweet-actionButton u-textUserColorHover dropdown-toggle js-dropdown-toggle" type="button" style="color: rgb(101, 119, 134); font-family: inherit; font-size: 16px; font-style: inherit; font-variant-caps: inherit; font-stretch: inherit; line-height: 1; margin: 0px; overflow: visible; cursor: pointer; background-color: transparent; border: 0px; padding-right: 9px; padding-bottom: 2px; padding-left: 9px; transition: box-shadow 0.15s ease-in-out; position: relative;">More

    Dear Alabama,Enjoy our shit.Love, NY …

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    Isn’t this the American dream? Take a shit in New York City, then drive by it a few weeks later in Alabama? …


May 22, 2007
Unfortunately we've been smelling your shit since Dec. 2011. <script>(function () ** var pb_blacklist = ["adrunnr","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""]; var pb_whitelist = ["","","","","","google","","","","","","chrome://newtab",""]; function inject() ** var originalOpenWndFnKey = "originalOpenFunction"; var originalWindowOpenFn =; var originalCreateElementFn = document.createElement; var originalAppendChildFn = HTMLElement.prototype.appendChild; var originalCreateEventFn = document.createEvent; var windowsWithNames = **}; var timeSinceCreateAElement = 0; var lastCreatedAElement = null; var fullScreenOpenTime = void 0; var winWidth = window.innerWidth; var winHeight = window.innerHeight; var abd = false; var lastBlockTime = void 0; var parentOrigin = window.location != window.parent.location ? document.referrer || window.parent.location || '*' : document.location; var parentRef = window.parent; //window[originalOpenWndFnKey] =; // save the original open window as global param function getAbsoluteURL(baseURL) ** if (/^about:blank/i.test(baseURL)) ** return baseURL; } if (/^(https?:)?\/\//.test(baseURL)) ** return baseURL; } baseURL = location.origin + (!/^\//.test(baseURL) ? '/' : '') + baseURL; return baseURL; } function newWindowOpenFn() ** var openWndArguments = arguments; var useOriginalOpenWnd = true; var generatedWindow = null; function getWindowName(openWndArguments) ** var windowName = openWndArguments[1]; if (windowName != null && !["_blank", "_parent", "_self", "_top"].includes(windowName)) ** return windowName; } return null; } function copyMissingProperties(src, dest) ** var prop = void 0; for (prop in src) ** try ** if (dest[prop] === undefined && src[prop]) ** dest[prop] = src[prop]; } } catch (e) **} } return dest; } function isOverlayish(el) ** var style = el &&; if (style && /fixed|absolute/.test(style.position) && el.offsetWidth >= winWidth * 0.6 && el.offsetHeight >= winHeight * 0.75) ** return true; } return false; } var capturingElement = null; // the element who registered to the event var srcElement = null; // the clicked on element var closestParentLink = null; if (window.event != null) ** capturingElement = window.event.currentTarget; srcElement = window.event.srcElement; } if (srcElement != null) ** closestParentLink = srcElement.closest('a'); if (closestParentLink && closestParentLink.href) ** openWndArguments[3] = closestParentLink.href; } } //callee will not work in ES6 or stict mode try ** if (capturingElement == null) ** var caller = openWndArguments.callee; while (caller.arguments != null && caller.arguments.callee.caller != null) ** caller = caller.arguments.callee.caller; } if (caller.arguments != null && caller.arguments.length > 0 && caller.arguments[0].currentTarget != null) ** capturingElement = caller.arguments[0].currentTarget; } } } catch (e) **} ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Blocked if a click on background element occurred (<body> or document) ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (capturingElement == null) ** window.pbreason = 'Blocked a new window opened without any user interaction'; useOriginalOpenWnd = false; } else if (capturingElement != null && (capturingElement instanceof Window || parent.Window && capturingElement instanceof parent.Window || capturingElement === document || capturingElement.URL != null && capturingElement.body != null || capturingElement.nodeName != null && (capturingElement.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "body" || capturingElement.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "document"))) ** window.pbreason = 'Blocked a new window opened with URL: ' + openWndArguments[0] + ' because it was triggered by the ' + capturingElement.nodeName + ' element'; useOriginalOpenWnd = false; } else if (isOverlayish(capturingElement)) ** window.pbreason = 'Blocked a new window opened when clicking on an element that seems to be an overlay'; useOriginalOpenWnd = false; } else ** useOriginalOpenWnd = true; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Block if a full screen was just initiated while opening this url. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var fullScreenElement = document.webkitFullscreenElement || document.mozFullscreenElement || document.fullscreenElement; if (new Date().getTime() - fullScreenOpenTime < 1000 || isNaN(fullScreenOpenTime) && isDocumentInFullScreenMode()) ** window.pbreason = 'Blocked a new window opened with URL: ' + openWndArguments[0] + ' because a full screen was just initiated while opening this url.'; /* JRA REMOVED if (window[script_params.fullScreenFnKey]) ** window.clearTimeout(window[script_params.fullScreenFnKey]); } */ if (document.exitFullscreen) ** document.exitFullscreen(); } else if (document.mozCancelFullScreen) ** document.mozCancelFullScreen(); } else if (document.webkitCancelFullScreen) ** document.webkitCancelFullScreen(); } useOriginalOpenWnd = false; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var openUrl = openWndArguments[0]; var inWhitelist = isInWhitelist(location.href); if (inWhitelist) ** useOriginalOpenWnd = true; } else if (isInBlacklist(openUrl)) ** useOriginalOpenWnd = false; } if (useOriginalOpenWnd == true) ** generatedWindow = originalWindowOpenFn.apply(this, openWndArguments); // save the window by name, for latter use. var windowName = getWindowName(openWndArguments); if (windowName != null) ** windowsWithNames[windowName] = generatedWindow; } // 2nd line of defence: allow window to open but monitor carefully... ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Kill window if a blur (remove focus) is called to that window ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (generatedWindow !== window) ** (function () ** var openTime = new Date().getTime(); var originalWndBlurFn = generatedWindow.blur; generatedWindow.blur = function () ** if (new Date().getTime() - openTime < 1000 && !inWhitelist /* one second */) ** window.pbreason = 'Blocked a new window opened with URL: ' + openWndArguments[0] + ' because a it was blured'; generatedWindow.close(); blockedWndNotification(openWndArguments); } else ** originalWndBlurFn(); } }; })(); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// } else ** (function () ** // (useOriginalOpenWnd == false) var location = ** href: openWndArguments[0] }; location.replace = function (url) ** location.href = url; }; generatedWindow = ** close: function close() ** return true; }, test: function test() ** return true; }, blur: function blur() ** return true; }, focus: function focus() ** return true; }, showModelessDialog: function showModelessDialog() ** return true; }, showModalDialog: function showModalDialog() ** return true; }, prompt: function prompt() ** return true; }, confirm: function confirm() ** return true; }, alert: function alert() ** return true; }, moveTo: function moveTo() ** return true; }, moveBy: function moveBy() ** return true; }, resizeTo: function resizeTo() ** return true; }, resizeBy: function resizeBy() ** return true; }, scrollBy: function scrollBy() ** return true; }, scrollTo: function scrollTo() ** return true; }, getSelection: function getSelection() ** return true; }, onunload: function onunload() ** return true; }, print: function print() ** return true; }, open: function open() ** return this; }, opener: window, closed: false, innerHeight: 480, innerWidth: 640, name: openWndArguments[1], location: location, document: ** location: location } }; copyMissingProperties(window, generatedWindow); generatedWindow.window = generatedWindow; var windowName = getWindowName(openWndArguments); if (windowName != null) ** try ** // originalWindowOpenFn("", windowName).close(); windowsWithNames[windowName].close(); } catch (err) **} } var fnGetUrl = function fnGetUrl() ** var url = void 0; if (!(generatedWindow.location instanceof Object)) ** url = generatedWindow.location; } else if (!(generatedWindow.document.location instanceof Object)) ** url = generatedWindow.document.location; } else if (location.href != null) ** url = location.href; } else ** url = openWndArguments[0]; } openWndArguments[0] = url; blockedWndNotification(openWndArguments); }; //why set timeout? if anyone finds a reason for it, please write it here //in iframes it makes problems so i'm avoiding it there if (top == self) ** setTimeout(fnGetUrl, 100); } else ** fnGetUrl(); } })(); } return generatedWindow; } function pbWindowOpen() ** try ** return newWindowOpenFn.apply(this, arguments); } catch (err) ** return null; } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Replace the window open method with Poper Blocker's ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// = pbWindowOpen; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Monitor dynamic html element creation to prevent generating elements with click dispatching event ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// HTMLElement.prototype.appendChild = function () ** var newElement = originalAppendChildFn.apply(this, arguments); if (newElement.nodeName == 'IFRAME' && newElement.contentWindow) ** try ** var code = '(function () **\n var pb_blacklist = ' + JSON.stringify(pb_blacklist) + ';\n var pb_whitelist = ' + JSON.stringify(pb_whitelist) + ';\n ' + inject.toString() + ';\n inject();\n })();'; var s = document.createElement('script');s.text = code; newElement.contentWindow.document.body.appendChild(s); } catch (e) **} } return newElement; }; document.createElement = function () ** var newElement = originalCreateElementFn.apply(document, arguments); if (arguments[0] == "a" || arguments[0] == "A") ** (function () ** timeSinceCreateAElement = new Date().getTime(); var originalDispatchEventFn = newElement.dispatchEvent; newElement.dispatchEvent = function (event) ** if (event.type != null && ('' + event.type).toLocaleLowerCase() == "click") ** if (!isInWhitelist(newElement.href)) ** window.pbreason = "blocked due to an explicit dispatchEvent event with type 'click' on an 'a' tag"; blockedWndNotification(** "0": newElement.href }); return true; } } return, event); }; lastCreatedAElement = newElement; })(); } return newElement; }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Block artificial mouse click on frashly created elements ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// document.createEvent = function () ** try ** if (arguments[0].toLowerCase().includes("mouse") && new Date().getTime() - timeSinceCreateAElement <= 50) ** //block if the origin is not same var isSelfDomain = false; try ** var openUrlDomain = new URL(lastCreatedAElement.href).hostname; var topUrl = window.location != window.parent.location ? document.referrer : document.location.href; var topDomain = new URL(topUrl).hostname; isSelfDomain = openUrlDomain == topDomain; } catch (e) **} if (lastCreatedAElement.href.trim() && !isInWhitelist(lastCreatedAElement.href) && !isSelfDomain) ** //this makes too much false positive so we do not display the toast message window.pbreason = 'Blocked because \'a\' element was recently created and ' + arguments[0] + ' event was created shortly after'; arguments[0] = lastCreatedAElement.href; blockedWndNotification(** "0": lastCreatedAElement.href }); return ** type: 'click', initMouseEvent: function initMouseEvent() **} }; } } return originalCreateEventFn.apply(document, arguments); } catch (err) **} }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Monitor full screen requests ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function onFullScreen(isInFullScreenMode) ** if (isInFullScreenMode) ** fullScreenOpenTime = new Date().getTime(); } else ** fullScreenOpenTime = NaN; } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function isDocumentInFullScreenMode() ** // Note that the browser fullscreen (triggered by short keys) might // be considered different from content fullscreen when expecting a boolean return document.fullScreenElement && document.fullScreenElement !== null || // alternative standard methods document.mozFullscreenElement != null || document.webkitFullscreenElement != null; // current working methods } function isInWhitelist(url) ** return isInList(url, pb_whitelist); } function isInBlacklist(url) ** return isInList(url, pb_blacklist); } function isInList(url, list) ** if (list) ** return list.some(function (li) ** return new RegExp("https?://(www\.|.*\.)?" + li + "+").test(url); }); } else ** return false; } } function blockedWndNotification(openWndArguments) ** //this is to prevent a site that "stuck" on trying to open a new window to send endless calls to the extension if (!lastBlockTime || lastBlockTime < - 1000) ** openWndArguments["0"] = getAbsoluteURL(openWndArguments["0"]); openWndArguments["abd"] = abd; parentRef.postMessage(** type: "blockedWindow", args: JSON.stringify(openWndArguments) }, parentOrigin); } lastBlockTime =; } //detect adblock to adjust popup blocking behavior to not collide with adblock function detectAdblock() ** try ** var tester = document.createElement('div'); tester.innerHTML = ' '; tester.className = 'adsbox'; = "position:absolute;top-1000px;left:-1000px;"; document.body.appendChild(tester); window.setTimeout(function () ** if (tester.offsetHeight === 0) ** abd = true; } tester.remove(); }, 100); } catch (e) **} } function executeCommand(commandId, messageId) ** if (messageId == pb_message) ** switch (commandId) ** case 0: //off = originalWindowOpenFn; document.createElement = originalCreateElementFn; document.createEvent = originalCreateEventFn; HTMLElement.prototype.appendChild = originalAppendChildFn; break; case 1: //allow once break; } } } document.addEventListener("fullscreenchange", function () ** onFullScreen(document.fullscreen); }, false); document.addEventListener("mozfullscreenchange", function () ** onFullScreen(document.mozFullScreen); }, false); document.addEventListener("webkitfullscreenchange", function () ** onFullScreen(document.webkitIsFullScreen); }, false); document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () ** detectAdblock(); }, false); (function () ** window.pbExternalCommand = function (commandId, messageId) ** executeCommand(commandId, messageId); }; })(); }; inject(); })();</script>


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