AK, Major Wager & Stolen Databases


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Feb 9, 2006
[URL="http://www.majorwager.com/fusetalk/22-147641-1.html"]Original Thread
Originally posted by: The Major
I have been told that this is a person with the name of Jerry Garner who lives in Las Vegas. A phone number that I was given is 702-845-7389.... if any books would like to get in touch with him.

To begin with, let me point out what it says about this forum and it's owner that my personal name and telephone number have been publicly posted by the owner of this forum, in a libelous manner, with no thought given to the truth or validity of the accusation being made.

I will also point out that it is clearly obvious, Mr Hawkins, that you obtained this information from your new partner, Alan Karre Jr, AKA AK47, as this is a VOIP number that forwards to my cell, and is a number that was only ever given to AK and no one else, so it is clear that you have received it from him.
Having said that, let me continue on to set the record straight on this matter. To begin with, this is not my email, nor are these my databases (not that they are actually belonging to the person selling them either). This is all purely the work of one Alan Karre Jr, who is commonly known as a scammer on most sports message boards as AK47, and who has recently partnered up with Mr Hawkins and the folks at the offshore wire for purposes of selling and collecting funds related to these databases. In the words of AK (aside from his usual "solid") he is "grandfathered" and can't be touched.

How do I know that this is the work of AK47? Because AK approached me a few months back and asked if I knew anyone who would purchase this information. I referred him on to someone else that I know, and that person referred him on to another sportsbook owner, who flew Alan to Montreal (I'm sure you've all heard about his Montreal trip back in November), where Alan sold a cd-rom containing a bunch of miscellaneous database files, most of which were from way back in 2002 and 2003.

In exchange for this, Alan received an initial payment of $3,333, less the money he borrowed from them for his trip to Montreal, and was suppose to have received a second payment of $6,666 later on. However, he never received that second payment because he never did the work they were expecting in exchange for the payment. I know he also later received another $100 for a fedex package that he never sent, oh, and he stole a new coat from one of the guys while he was in Canada. About a month after that trip he was already broke again and begging for money, and I sent him an additional $300 by western union out of my own pocket (and have the receipt and pick up confirmation to prove it), although that was a mistake because after that he was always asking me for more money.

Anyway, so he got a little over 3 grand for this, and never got the other 6 grand because he couldnt finish whatever deal he had made with them. According to AK, Mr Hawkins and someone from the offshore wire are to be threatening this sportsbook owner into paying up next week. I guess AK isn't solid enough to speak for himself any more.

But Clevefan, you are completely wrong, and are either guessing or just wanting to sound like you know something, or whatever. I dont know which, but I do know that you are wrong. Rod has never, at any point in time, ever had anything to do with this (I dont even know why BP brought up his name). So far as I know, BP also never had anything to do with this, however, I do know that a very large email list from him was also part of this sale (though where that list originated or how old it is I can not say).

But you are blaming people who have nothing to do with this. I am only involved to the capacity mentioned above, in that I referred AK on to another person, and the rest is all entirely AK himself. I have dozens of emails and hundreds of pages of stored messenger chats to substantiate this. I'm sure Russ would not want me posting these though, as AK clearly states a partnership with Russ in these conversations and incriminates him as well.

Alan, you already know that I am leaving tomorrow to go to Asia for 2-3 months, which is probably why you got the balls to send me a link to this thread tonight. Enjoy yourself the next few months, as I will most definitely be looking you up upon my return.

Russ, I expect an apology from you for posting my personal information in a libelous manner, otherwise, we can get nasty with each other two if you like. After all, I may be in Asia, but they have the internet there, and I can easily afford to hire an attorney in Canada to keep you busy until I return and finish up with Alan.

There is much more that can be said on this subject, but I do not think this is the time or place to do so, but then again, maybe it is. We'll see. If anyone has any questions or would like further information, feel free to contact me directly at jerryg608@yahoo.com

Jan 10, 2006

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