Many of you weirdos run together. Almost like the same person. I will give you credit haven't posted a pic of your penis like Seymour. So, that's something.
I'm done with you, you are a liar and full of shit... will put you on ignore cause clearly you contribute zero to this place. Guess you are senile too.
Lying again I see.
You are a pathetic piece of garbage. Backing up a comment that you know is 100 percent false.
I'm being dead serious now vitterd, take a break man. It's honestly sad at this point.
Pick your battles. Want to debate zit every now and again on political views? Have at it. But why jump into every thread and instantly start trolling everyone? What are you going to accomplish?
If you feel like the entire forum holds different views than you then maybe you would sleep easier by posting elsewhere. Not even saying that to be a dick,just an honest observation. This stuff clearly bothers you regardless of what you say. Your actions speak a lot louder than your words.
When you make outlandish claims, like the (arguably) best NBA team in history has no chance in the finals, you're looking for attention. And you're gonna get it one way or the other. If Cleveland swept I'm sure countless would be in here giving him props.
As for "non-betting pussies", I posted tickets and someone else posted GS as a play in the forum (for the record, I didn't pile on anyway). I'm sure many others also bet the Warriors; it IS a gambling forum. Just let it go, you're trying to make a point and you've got nothing.
The biggest dick move in gambling is bashing a guy after his pick loses, when that person made no pick.
It's a dick move whether that person made their own pick or not. Not surprisingly it's a move you employ often, berating others for their posted record here.
Glass houses brah.
I know, they started it though, right? Act like a grown up for once.
I speak how I'm spoken to. Guy bashes me he gets it right back.
Youre being completely untruthful about a move I employ often. This is a gambling forum. If some idiot bashing me for losing a game.....and they are losing every time they post a game ....I will let them know. So would you.
You do understand OP got bashed because of how he made the prediction, not the prediction itself, right? It's not like he said "I like Cleveland and here's why", and then people piled on when they lost.
You throw around words like "no chance", and you're seeking to look like more of a genius if they win at the risk of getting it harder if they lose.
I understand that. I'm not even disputing his reasoning was not well thought out.....but chances are he's losing money on it and then you have some idiot bingo players chiming in.....I think it's a dick move. If people disagree.....oh well
I made the point that there were several who were here just trolling this guy......and only showed up after the fact. The biggest dick move in gambling is bashing a guy after his pick loses, when that person made no pick. It could have ended there but the usual nitwits kept it going.
you weren't even involved until after I common sense would tell you that it wasn't directed towards you. Surely you should be able to see that. At least I would think so but I shouldn't make assumptions here for sure.
OK, point made.
I know shdw outside here so we give each other shit. As for the rest of these guys, I don't really pay that close of attention.
BTW, when did you become his personal forum bodyguard? Or are you just the general defender of all things right and honorable?
Junior, no one is trolling Shadow here - everyone likes him - its called balled busting - u on the other hand have fully cemented urself as the forum's clown - most importantly, u know I'm speaking the truth