Not to worry, you have two XXLarge polo shirts on the way but they were delayed in a shipping department employee change.
My apologies, wil.
You can email me for this newly won shirt or give it to another poster.
If you do give it away please pass this information along to the new winner:
Please email me what shirt you would like either a XLarge or XXLarge white Polo with emproidered logo or a Silk Screened Large, Xlarge or XXlarge T-shirt with a small logo on the front and a large one on the back.
Please email that information and a shipping address at
Please title the email Cotton Bowl Trivia Shirt winner.
Thanks, wil..
Thanks Wil but I should only have one coming..I won two before but gave one to GJ/WW. Btw,
If you haven't sent the Polos yet I will give that one away and have you send the T shirt to me..let me know....Don't mean to make this difficult. Thanks again IAG....
I will see what I can do. TTP if you have a shirt coming email the info (it's posted two posts up in Action Girl's post.
Nothing is going out this weekend anyway and maybe not until after Christmas.
Right now as far as I know I owe Action Girl a XXLarge Polo and a XXlarge T-shirt - IAG if those sizes are wrong post right in this thread what sizes you want.
Viking611 a XLarge Polo
TTP whatever he emails me he wants - a Polo either XLarge or XXLarge or a T-shirt same sizes with larges available also. The Polo's are the same as the ones you have seen pictures of here and there on the forum.
Example of shirt:
Wil, is that you and the wife? <!-- / message -->