
.....HUH wanna run my info thru another search engine? Or maybe mail me some more viruses.

Ever going to show up and be a man? Ever or is the wife going to be sick yet again? ....

While surely not my style I am tired of this guy chasing me all over the internet. Usually I ignore him and watch him go for others. Today must be my number again. I have been dodging you? I've been scared to show up? LOL. Don't know where you get that son but let's fix it.

You are aware I will be with the MW gang in Vegas for the Superbowl. I accept your offer. I have never sent you a virus and I would advise you to shut your big mouth when it comes to my wife. The other dozen insults don't bother me much coming from you, talk of my wife does bother me. I accept your challenge. Let me know if you are coming to Vegas, if not I will go to Mach's house and resolve this in the manner that you are requesting.

LOL. I feel like I'm 18 again but you have to deal with people on different levels I suppose. This guy posts under SODIUM PENTATHOL and has been banned here at least 4 times. He's made bets and stiffed guys and swore to us all Pinnacle was going out of business. Real winner this guy. Hates me because I once warned of the danger of playing on-line poker. LOL. If I live through it I will keep the forum posted on this matter. Sometimes you have to stand up to these bullies.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
A real fuking TOOL as UB would say.......

Wish I didn't know now what I didn't now then."

New member
Sep 21, 2004
thanks for making some sense of these threads.....seems like senseless flaming
You can't make sense with this guy. He comes over once in a while to shit all over the threads until they ban him. Usually the hate is on someone else but today I am one of them in the crossfire. Inuslt after insult. I had forgot about it as it wasn't a big deal but he is still hysterically angry at me for an opinion from way over 1 year ago. Guess I disagreed with him and that isn't allowed. I try and try to avoid him but am sick and tired of him challenging me and calling me out.

I feel like an idiot for falling to his level but time to end this little game he plays.....
Please come Pancho, I'll take the beating for the both of us. This has to end eventually. Keep in mind I am far from a tough guy, never clamied to be.

Even further from a coward though. 'Nuff said.

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