SD: anyways, in regards to prosecuting those who choose to have abortions. tough one there. realistically, it will never happen.
Bar: Thankfully, I concur......but
SD: ....a mother should be charged with a crime if she chose to end the life of a living child while the child was in her womb? if such a law existed, then my answer sir would be yes. i would favor that.
Bar: Your honest response is appreciated. And it's a reminder to me and others who value the American system which permits a woman to choose whether or not she will carry a pregnancy to term. At times in the past few years, it's been easy to get lazy and act as if legal abortion will always exist.
While that's likely 98% certain, the existence of people who would support arresting, prosecuting and imprisoning a woman who chose to terminate a pregnancy does give us pause and helps us to know how important it is to continue to back those who publicly stand against such proposals. (Which I realize you yourself are not precisely doing at this moment)
what is the difference between a child born last week and a child due next week, or even next month? say a woman desperately wanted to abort her child in the final month, was unable, and then smothered it after giving birth? is there a difference? what if a woman 6 months pregnant who had decided to have an abortion suddenly had a medical condition that resulted in the child being delivered prematurely, and upon bearing the child decided that she wanted it dead? forgive me if i am reaching, but my steak ain't done marinating.