A Quiz for All You Neocons, FF, Floyd,O&U, etc.


Where Taconite Is Just A Low Grade Ore
Aug 20, 2000
Ok we`ve kicked Saddam out along w/all his cronies, and are left w/a bombed out Iraq. Devastation, hunger, medical needs, on & on. What is your plan now? Try to be coherent. As an old proverb goes "be careful what you wish for etc".

I love my country but fear my government.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Silver - look to what we are doing in Afghanistan as a guide. Only it will be easier in Iraq because Iraq is much more modern and has its own wealth in the form of natural resources.

And please don't tell me how Afghanistan was better off under the Taliban than it is now. I get three or four e-mails a week from my closest friend who is an officer serving in a Army Civil Affairs unit in Kabul. So whatever you think you know is happening in Afghanistan, I know better.

"Yeah, well, that's just, like, your opinion, man." - The Dude, 1998

New member
Sep 21, 2004
silver, I honestly don't have time to reply in depth, but I would make the observation that apparently you cannot envision a process that can be any better than what Saddam was doing - I can. Also, it is odd that you have switched from the topic of war to the topic of rebuilding for the next 'America's foreign policy sucks' topic - in other words, negative before you even know what they're going to do. I haven't sat in on their cabinet meetings, but I would imagine that after reconstruction, they'll turn it over to the Iraqi's who will by that time have formed a coalition of political parties who will then determine the nature of their future. The Arab world will see that the conflict did not spread to other Arab countries, to the surprise of all the doom-sayers, for several reasons, not the least of which is the power displayed by the United States.

By the way, anyone notice that the people in Afghanistan are pretty happy with the American efforts there now? Hell, I even heard that idiot Geraldo Rivera a few nights ago on Fox saying how ecstatic the people are that the Taliban and Al Queda are no longer in control. I am more than certain this will be the case in Iraq, and when the true stories start coming out about the unbelievable cruelty and evil of Hussein's regime, post something then.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Also, time for this last one: WHERE was the large-scale uprising of Muslims around the world when we invaded Afghanistan, a Muslim country? Get real, people - the so-called 'Muslim street' is a show, the governments are the ones in control and they're not all stupid.
I don't have time for the silly games. The people of Iraq will be better off when Saddams gone.

"Walter Williams is my hero" outandup 2002
you 've been doing it to afganistan for the past 10 years, who d you think has been installing and financing goverments over there, the fvcking reds?

Where Taconite Is Just A Low Grade Ore
Aug 20, 2000
Then again maybe not. For openers, O&U a typical non response from you, in other words one who has no answer. To all others I asked a question, no negativity, why so defensive? I`ll try to make it simple. The war is a "given" and should be over in a week. As our guys are the best. So let`s try one more time and in words of 1 syllable. What is your plan? e.g. on to other Arab nations, total pull out, try to build a coalition of all the people we`ve pissed off? Like that guys not too hard. O&U you`re excused due to a headache! Jazz there is hope for you, as you at least seem to have some overall view of the situation, WRONG, but a view never the less!

I love my country but fear my government.
It's simple, take off the liberal hate Bush first glasses and remember Saddam has already killed 1 1/2 million people and counting. In the end many lives will be saved.

"Walter Williams is my hero" outandup 2002

Just watch and see...

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"This is the business we've chosen." - Hyman Roth

Where Taconite Is Just A Low Grade Ore
Aug 20, 2000
By Jove I think you`ve GOT IT!! Dubyas "Plan" exactly.

I love my country but fear my government.

Nothing I write would suit you -- why try?

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"This is the business we've chosen." - Hyman Roth

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