If that were true Romney would be president right now. And before him, President McCain. Whoops.
Here's the truth:
'Moderates' show up and vote no matter who the nominee is. That's why they're called moderates. No principles or policies, just dangle the 'R' and they're there. I mean, if you're still donating to the GOPe with Boehner and McConnell, you're a guaranteed lifer.
But what about the conservative base behind the Reagan and Gingrich revolutions, and voters who as recently as 2010 and 2014 swept the tea party into power?
According to Ted Cruz, 54 million evangelicals stayed home in 2012. FIFTY FOUR MILLION. Let that number sink in...
"There is a war on faith in America today"
"If we cannot worship God, if we cannot live according to our faith .... all other liberties fade away"
"Is the next victim of persecution your pastor?" Your charity, where you volunteer your time at a crisis pregnancy center?"
“The persecution of religious liberty ends today!"
Ted Cruz knows what he's doing...and he's not fishing for McCain/Romney/Bush/Rubio supporters. Doesn't need'em, doesn't care.
Joe you are usually on target about political matters but on this one your far off
or Cruz is. It is true taht as many as 3,000,000 Evangelicals stayed home because of
Romney's Mormon Faith. but it certainly was not 54 million. I think 65 million voted
for Obama & 60 million for Romney. If 54 million Republican voters stayed home
because of Romney's religion, if you assume they were possible Republican voters
that would have given Romney a 40 million vote plurality. Nixon's 18 million vote
margin was the biggest voter edge ever,