guys like romo, dave in vegas, tocco05, bill carson, rightside see this as the last stand for whites here. they see the changing demographics and it scares them and they want to make sure the white guy stays in as president. those guys see people as black or white, instead of seeing them as fellow man. thats up to them, if they want to be like that let them be like that.
wow I just saw this.
So now I'm a racist now that I won't be voting for him. Again you are just an idiot.
No what I don't want as my President is a far left loon that is going to raise taxes and invent more social programs that won't work. i.e. Welfare ......yeah that has worked out great. Or how bout public housing again another big feel good government program. And the grand daddy of them all the public education system.
LOL You call me a racist. Want to know whats racist...
think black kids have to have the governments help to make it in life.
To not give poor parents options for thier childs educatio (school vouchers)
To not harrass the drug dealers in working poor peoples nieghborhoods.
Yo herd them like cattle to a certain part of town and live in shitty apartments.
To have fake black leaders out there always telling them they are the victim of some sort of whitey hates them shit.
Black leaders to steal all the money either a mayor of schoolboard members.
For blacks to kill or sell dope to themselves.
To blame the Republicans for holding thm bask yet if they would read a history book they would see the real people that triedeverything they could to hold them down.
To not expect them to speak proper english (ebonics). How sad they can't speak english so we just make up some other shit that they can speak. Yeah how does that help them in the real world.
Yeah I'm the racist one. I believe in the person to help himself and you far left kooks only believe they can be anything is from a handout from the government. LOL Yeah I am a racist
Fuck you GTC you are a POS loser that can't stand on your own. LOL You are the loser in life.