CAS, I'm from the school of thought that if this nationwide voter suppression occurred, there would have been a serious investigation by the Democrats and / or law enforcement officials.
Obviously, to succeed, such a plan would have to involve local politicians, and literally thousands would have received there emails. All of them are silenced.
All the Secretaries of State were either hoodwinked by this administration (they pull this off so often, they're either brilliant or the Democrats are stupid), or they simply don't see any wrongdoing. Even the thousands of Democratic attorneys hired to monitor the 2004 election were asleep at the wheel.
To believe your unsubstantiated charges, you would have to be in a "suspension of disbelief". I just don't think your arguments hold water, "but I'm not surprised you don't see this".
Does anybody else know about this? Why don't you tell somebody and break this case wide open?
Since I fully understand all sides of the issue, absolutely, positively against.
You don't read here much do you?
Are you for voter suppression?
It's kinda funny watching you qualify everything as something like "if you were paying attention" or "you don't understand" as you do your song and dance routine.
Now you want us to believe Democrats are intentionally not doing anything about voter suppression because "they came into power too late". Are you kidding me?
How about shedding some light on this fraud during the 2006 mid-term elections? wouldn't they do that?
Do you really believe they would choose to ignore this mega issue during this Presidential Election cycle?
And why do they have to be in power for something to happen anyways? How about law enforcement officials and / or the media.
"I don't think you understand", and "you're obviously are not paying attention", or you would obviously see that your arguments simply collapse under their own weight. Which is exactly the reason why nothing as come from this poppycock. You see, my argument is the only one that makes sense at the end of the day.
Thank you. Now I know where you stand, where you're coming from on this issue and what your agenda is.
cas, agreement is not important to me, clarity is. That was a very clarifying response. Full marks to you.
Of course I'm pro-voter ID. I'd like you to try and convince me why this is bad thing -- without injecting your RNC conspiracy bullshit, please. Tell me in the abstract why voter ID is a BAD idea?
Moving on....
So far the only thing one can gleam from your long-winded ramblings and plethora of innuendo and accusations is that we don't know anything because -- drumroll -- the DOJ has been politicized! And the reason you know this is because -- another drum roll -- they fired 8 US attorneys! Oooo, that almost sounds scary. :scared:
Say, how many US Attorney's did Clinton fire?
(third and final drum roll -- I promise!)
93 US Attorneys vs 8 in the Bush administration and this clown is trying to convince us there is something untoward lurking bellow the surface! :missingte
Hmmm...I wonder why Mr. Independent (D) didn't bother mentioning this -- ya know, putting this all into a fair and proper context? :think2:
I think everyone knows the answer. :lol:
I'll give that a go, but not tonight.
You must understand that much of my reasons have to do why it's so important to the RNC/GOP to have them. I fully expect you'll label that as "RNC conspiracy bullshit".
Let's try to put it into, as you say, a fair and proper context.
Are you saying that it's unusual for a new administration to clean house regarding U.S. Attorney's when replacing an administration from the opposite party?
Are you saying that George W. Bush kept all of Bill Clinton's appointed U.S. Attorney's and fired none of them?
Also, why is fired U.S. Attorney David Iglesias suing George W. Bush for wrongful termination?
It's unbelievable that you think your ridiculous talking points have validity. You really must think everyone else is stupid.
I could continue to address everything you right. I had hopes that you wouldn't be like this, but that appears to have been wishful thinking. Anyone that claims there's no investigation going on is just delusional. I predict that within a year (perhaps much sooner), your posts in this thread will be a source of embarassment for you. Unless others reading are learning things that they didn't know, discussing this with you is an exercise in futility. I might continue to write in this thread, but I'm done responding to your posts within it.
Of course it's not unusual -- that's my whole point. And so we come to the point of the debate where your entire 'theory' begins to unravel at a greater pace than Barack Obama off his prompter -- in 5,4,3,2,1....
He fired 8 -- which you are implying is a 'wrongful' act. It isn't. The US Attorney's serve at the pleasure of the president and he may hire or fire whomever he pleases. If I felt one of my Attorney's was undermining my agenda, I would fire them too.
Again, I remind you Clinton fired 93!! Lo and behold, Republicans never made a partisan issue out of it because this is one of the 'perks' of winning elections.
8 vs 93!!
So where's the beef, cas?
Next time do your homework.
It's unbelievable that you can't perform simple math.
So by your logic, Clinton was 11.625 times more corrupt and secretive than Bush is.
Where's the uproar over Clinton's "partisan" corruption, cas? :lol:
Are you saying that George W. Bush kept all of Bill Clinton's appointed U.S. Attorney's and fired none of them?
He fired 8
8 vs 93!!
So where's the beef, cas?
Next time do your homework.
I am not an Obama supporter, but Snopes debunked the e-mail Roadreeler posted. Considering where RR gets most of his info I'm not shocked: