This mofo is just as corrupt.
Chief Justice Roberts Defends Rogue Judiciary, Slams Trump’s Call For Impeaching Judges in Rare Rebuke
What happens when 2020 election fraud is proven?Steve Bannon says they're working on abolishing term limits so Donald Trump can run again in 2028. It's like we said they were going to try to do this.
Let's go
JFK and the Single Bullet Theory The Single Bullet Theory, central to the Warren Commission’s investigation into the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, suggests that a single bullet fired from Lee Harvey Oswald’s rifle struck both Kennedy and Texas Governor John Connally. According to this theory, one bullet: Entered Kennedy’s upper back and exited through his throat. Then struck Connally’s back, shattered a rib, exited his chest, hit his wrist, and finally lodged in his thigh. Critics argue that the bullet’s path seems highly improbable, leading to widespread conspiracy theories. Was it truly the work of a lone gunman, or is there more to the story?